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Binweevils Times TOP BLOGS are here

Hello Binweevils


As you Know this is the best time of the year for me where I open My Eyes and search for the best top Blogs this week I am doing a fantastic Poll what will end 30 October are you ready to see one of the most best blogs and Even people BLOGGING Well Go to binweevils Times Ltd today (Click HERE)


  • You can only do 2 top Blogs so take your time
  • You can not cheat
  • The Winners will be Made on the 30 october

Thank you for Voting in this

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Im A Weevil Get me Out Of Here (Coming Soon)

Hello Binweevils

Lately I have been planning on some more weevily party’s tours and weevily things and because of last year me and my old buddy (Glory) were the Judges but glory only just left binweevils and I would like another 2 Bonus Judges book now please comment if you want to become 1

Also you can book weevily tickets to Join today put in the comment box

  • Weevil name
  • WordPress name
  • email eg (WordPress@outlook.com) (FAKE )
  • What do you wanna do
  • how many tickets

There you go if you don’t put these then you can not Join

It will Start at the 16 November As far as we know and booking ends 1st November.

During the 2nd november to the 15th you will be able to practice ready for the big day PLEASE Book you have just got over 2 months before it will end!

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Bin Weevils Behind The Scenes!

Originally posted on A World Of Bin Weevils (https://aworldofbinweevils.wordpress.com/)

Hi Weevils!

Bin Weevils isn’t just the best virtual online world in the world – there is a lot of it that is ‘behind the scenes’. Here are some ‘behind the scenes’ things I have dug around to find.

The Moderator’s Login!

Have you ever wanted to log on Bin Weevils as a Moderator, but annoyed that is doesn’t work? Well, there’s 2 reasons why that doesn’t work. 1) Moderators have EXTREMELY sophisticated passwords that you probably wouldn’t guess in a million years and 2) You are trying to log on in completely the wrong site. So, even if you got the password right (which is highly unlikely) you wouldn’t login. Confused? I am, and I’m the one writing the post! 🙂 Anyway, I have found the site that Bin Weevils mods like Scribbles and big weevils and THE LOT login! Go visit www.manage.binweevils.com to see for yourself!

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is the Bin Weevils mods login page, so your own login will NOT work!!!

There may be YouTube clips showing ‘hackers’ that have ‘hacked’ into Bin Weevils and know mods passwords, but they are fakes and can be done easily with a good movie editor.

Bin Weevils Advertising!

Bin Weevils has an advertising website! Visit it at http://advertise.binweevils.com/

The head of Bin Weevils advertising is a man called Matt Lester, who doubles as the director of Bin Weevils and he controlls the Bin Weevil myke. (Check out the Bin Weevils Team/ Bin Legends page for more info!) Advertising on Bin Weevils costs at least £3,000!

Amazing Facts!

I was reading some Bin Weevils books last night and they told me some really cool info I never knew! Here is the stuff I found:

  • Bin history is split into two time periods – BG and AG. (Before Gam and After Gam) As nobody knows how old Gam is – nearly everything in bin history is AG!
  • As well as a great cook, Figg is an amazing artist! She sculpted some of the level trophies that have to do with food!
  • Bin Weevils have made an SWS website! Visit it at http://www.binweevils.com/secretweevilservice/

sws control panel

These are what some of these buttons mean on the SWS control panel

What The Bin Is Made Of!

Have you ever seen something on Bin Weevils and thought: ‘Hey, that’s a clever idea! They’ve made that into that!’ or something. Well, the bin is full of things that are incredibly cleverly thought of. Here are some of the best:

If you look closely, you can see that 'Nest Coolness' is displayed on a bit of lined paper, and 'Nest News' is on a toilet roll!

If you look closely, you can see that ‘Nest Coolness’ is displayed on a bit of lined paper, and ‘Nest News’ is on a toilet roll!

There are many more examples…

The map is littered with examples: Dosh's palace is made of a cracked egg and some fish heads held up by straws; Flem Manor and Slam's Party Box are both cardboard boxes; Club Fling is a discarded radio; Gong's Pipenest is made up of pieces of pasta; Lab's Lab is an '8 Ball' in pool or snooker; Riggs' Movie Multiplex is made of an empty milk carton and an empty eggs carton

The map is littered with examples: Dosh’s palace is made of a cracked egg and some fish heads held up by straws; Flem Manor and Slam’s Party Box are both cardboard boxes; Club Fling is a discarded radio; Gong’s Pipenest is made up of pieces of pasta; Lab’s Lab is an ‘8 Ball’ in pool or snooker standing on a pile of books and Riggs’ Movie Multiplex is made of an empty milk carton and an empty eggs carton

See what I mean? Even your Garden has some examples, there are some nails in the outskirts of mine, what about yours?

Bin History!

I was looking around again for more info on the Bin history, when I found a whole page of it on this blog I’d never heard of, called Weevily X! Here is what it said:

9 years ago, the bin was born…. it’s hard to believe that Bin Weevils is almost 10 years old.. Weevily X Team have gathered some of the Bin’s memorable moments, and put them all together right hear, on Weevily X.

Let’s start right at the beginning…………………

May 27th, 2003 – Binweevils was born. With the help of Nick [an early sponsor] Bin Weevils opened it’s door to the great weevil public! [Click Here To View Old Binweevils]
[The link folowed brings you to old bin weevils but you cant play it.. ; http://binwevil.co.uk/]

September 24th, 2007 – Binweevils relaunched with a fresh new look, beforehand Binweevils was a 2D world hosted by Nickelodeon.

September 27, 2007 – James’, the producer of binweevils, weevil was created.

September 28, 2007 – Big weevil, a weevil with a super antennae and 3x the size of a normal weevil, fell into the bin

January 15th, 2008 – The bintastic Weevil Wheels was available for everyone to play, and could be played at Dirt Valley.

May 2nd, 2008 – Mulch Island was discovered in the bin. The earlier Mulch Island had a golden coin hidden in a random location each day [It was worth 50 mulch]

May 21st, 2008 – Bin Pets were released and were available to the whole bin public. (Before Bin Tycoons were invented)

September 22nd, 2009 – Scribbles, a weevil with a super-antennae, a famous magazine called Weevil Weekly and currently the most famous weevil in the bin, weevil was created.

May 5th, 2010 – The day Tink and Clott made their first public appearance in the bin [In favour of the Bin Weevils Election]

May 25th, 2010 – Bin Weevils first ever Mulch Weekly [Mulch Weekly continued on as a regular event shortly after]

June 15th, 2010 – Bin Gardens were born, forcing weevils everywhere to get growing weird and wonderful plants.

June 25th, 2010 – The Nest Inspectors magazines were released, showcasing a large selection of brilliant nests designed by you lot!

August 31st, 2010 – The Haggle Hut launched, which allowed weevils to sell unwanted items once again. This was previously possible in the old bin, but was disabled for a while along with the release of the new bin, early April.

October 6th, 2010 – Weevils were getting extra funky when a wide selection of new hats were released at Tycoon Island. Hem’s Hats stocks all sorts of weird and wacky hats [Bin-Tycoon Required]

November 15th, 2010 – The incredible Weevil Changer arrived, allowing weevils everywhere to change and alter parts of their appearance [This was disabled beforehand]

March 14th, 2011 – The first ever Bin Weevils product was launched in the retail market. Bin Weevils Top Trumps were new to hit the market, an new twist on a classic game meant weevils could battle statistics with their favourite weevils!

November 23rd, 2011 – Buddy lists were updated to a more colourful style, they now inform you of your buddy’s recent happenings.

November 24th, 2011 – The SWS Headquarters was given a slick new makeover, along with this came a new SWS Training Room.

December 9th, 2011 – Weevily X was created.

January 5th, 2012 – Mudd made her first appearance on tycoon island.

January 9, 2012 – Glamm made her first appearance on tycoon island.

January 25th, 2012 – The biggest hunt to ever fall into the bin, the gloden bin weevil hunt, arrived! Giving out insane prizes for bin tycoons only.

February 19th, 2012 – Tink and Clott paid a visit to London for the Imagine Children’s Festival!

March 1st, 2012 – Levels 61 – 65 were open for all weevils (All the exp that the weevils who were currently on level 60 collected, went towards these next 5 levels)

March 25th, 2012 – Tink and Clott paid a second visit to London, along with a whole load of other famous faces, for the Sainsbury’s Sport Relief Mile (2012).

April 3rd, 2012 – Monty, a yellow weevil with super antennas and also Scribbles’ cousin, made his first celebrity appearance, looking for other yellow weevils to feature in his photos. [He was visiting all week, along with Mudd and Glamm]

June 10th, 2012 – Weevils all over flooded Dirt Valley race track, in the excitement of the brand new Weevil Wheels Track Builder.

June 22nd, 2012 – Weevils all over the Bin Scape hit the dance floor at a party in front of Flem Manor, in celebrating the release of the long-waited-for Bin Weevils: Mulch Mayhem Trading Cards

I think this is really cool, as it has loads of links to really old What’s New blog posts, and with those posts, it even had the author of the post’s signature! Really cool! I have emailed Bin Weevils, requesting a more formal Bin history, but this isn’t bad so far!

The Old Bin Login!

I am really interested in the history of Bin Weevils, and I am digging around loads of different sites and blogs to find out more, for YOU to find out! Now, I found on one site a link to the Old Bin login page! Cool eh? Click the link to check it out!


Happy Weeviling!


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Raxel BW Help Site TM Petition!

Hi Weevils,

Over the past few months, Bin Weevils have been making numerous changes to Bin Weevils itself. Most of you are not at all happy with these changes and have been complaining. I also am not a huge fan of these changes either, so I thought I should do something about it.

So, I am posting on every blog I work on about an anonymous (which means I do not name weevils) petition where you fill in a form which comes to me and I will send every submission to Bin Weevils themselves! How do you think of that?

So, if you have something to tell Bin Weevils about the (lousy) changes they have been making, tell me below!

Happy Weeviling!


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Jjs63’s Christmas Party

Hello Bin Weevils,

As you may know 4 more days until christmas, I would like to say I shall be making a party if you may like to come please look at the image below.

                                     Jjs63’s Party 22/12/13

Jjs63 isn’t in a very jolly mood this year, loads of things have happened. Like getting bullied at school, my pets died and so much more stuff. I don’t want to go more further because you may know the hacker (who might of hacked your blogs). Any ways, lets get on with my post. Please make sure you come!

Sorry if this is a short post I am very tired because my little sister is keeping me awake crying with her teething!

ImageAll rights reserved.

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Hello Bin Weevils,

Here is the post taken from the What’s New Blog.


Is your Bin Pet as crazy about accessorizing as my silly Doodle? Head over to PetStyle inside Bin Pets Paradise to check out the Studio, where you can dress up your Bin Pet with accessories, expressions, clothes and cool stuff!

You can even add one of your silly snaps as a profile picture for your pet, so everyone who clicks on your pet can see it. There are just so many looks to choose from!

What accessories does your Bin Pet like best? What new items or backgrounds would your pet love to see in the PetStyle Studio?

Let me know in the comments below!



Hello Bin Weevils,

My Little Pony Friendship Friendship Is Magic have sadly came to an end but now there is aseries 3 at Riggs Movie Multiplex! 



Here is XPWINNER6656 outside Rigg’s Movie Multiplex!

If you go into Rigg’s Movie Multiplex, there is a door that leads into my Little PonyBin Weevils have updated this feature because it is now a jungle style that I am aware of. 



As you can see, I think series 3 of ‘my Little Pony‘ is going to be a jungle episode!

As you go into the ‘My Little Pony’ Pop-Up party, you can watch a ‘Free Episode’ of the brand new series right now and keep an eye for all of the New ‘My Little Pony episodes premiering every Friday



This is the new series 3 of ‘My Little Pony’ video!

You can find out more about your favourite ‘My Little Pony Character’ by getting the ‘Brand New Video Bios’, pick up ‘exclusive three nest items’ by clicking the Nest Item star in the picture above!



Here is XPWINNER6656 with he’s ‘My Little Pony Nest Item!’

If you visit the Shopping Mall, (inside) there is a ‘My Little Pony’ figure in there. If you click the figure, it will earn you 50 Mulch and also, it will take you to the original place of ‘My Little Pony’.



This is the figure, just click it to earn 50 Mulch!